On this my maiden voyage into blogging, it seems appropriate to write about courageous acts. Not those wild, breathtaking actions like jumping out of planes, climbing Mount Denali or anything resembling stunt work.  Rather, I speak of the quiet ones - ones that may look like nothing to the untrained eye.  These are earthquake proportion acts, nonetheless.

Living a life that honors who I am at my core is my big courageous act. And how I figured out who I am, untangling myself out of others' opinions of me and who I should be, was through journaling.  In my journal, I found a safe, creative space to explore who I am when all rules and expectations are suspended. 

Paint splattered journals from my collection

Journaling helped me move beyond the limited, narrow and negative beliefs I was raised tightly bound in. I felt liberated in my thirties as I embraced a daily journal practice.  I sense it would have rocked my imperfectly molded world if I had journaled at age 7!

That is why I am supporting creativity coach Jamie Ridler's first "do good initiative" Give a Girl a Journal. Today she launches this project to get journals in the hands of girls all over the world.

Without a doubt, journals have been a powerful tool on my journey of self discovery.  Give a girl a journal, rock her world!


I encourage you to support Give a Girl a Journal - and then grab your journal and go explore!